Page Template Mockups
These pages and templates will be built by the IncrediFlix development team.
Color Palette
These are the most important colors and they will be used throughout the site.
Class: bg-color-primary
Hex: #00ABD6
rgb(0, 171, 214)
Class: bg-color-secondary
Hex: #FF0B34
rgb(255, 11, 52)
Class: bg-color-tertiary
Hex: #B3C100
rgb(179, 193, 0)
Accent 1
Class: bg-color-accent1
Hex: #FFCC00
rgb(255, 204, 0)
Accent 2
Class: bg-color-accent2
Hex: #F12762
rgb(241, 39, 98)
Accent 3
Class: bg-color-accent3
Hex: #C95FEE
rgb(201, 95, 238)
Class: bg-color-dark
Hex: #333333
rgb(51, 51, 51)
Class: bg-white
rgb(255, 255, 255)
Class: bg-offwhite
Hex: #F5F5F5
rgb(245, 245, 245)
Basic Typography
Most of your site is made of text, so typography is very important!
Header 1
Font: Montserratt / Color: #606060 / Size: 60px
Header 2
Font: Montserratt / Color: #606060 / Size: 48px
Header 3
Font: Montserratt / Color: #606060 / Size: 36px
Header 4
Font: Montserratt / Color: #606060 / Size: 24px
Header 5
Font: Montserratt / Color: #606060 / Size: 16px
Header 6
Font: Montserratt / Color: #606060 / Size: 12px
This is a Large H2 Heading
This is some supplemental body text to go along with your headers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eu felis pellentesque, vulputate ante ac, laoreet magna. Nulla congue lorem quis risus dictum, eu convallis lectus hendrerit. Etiam id pulvinar ex. Integer ac risus a neque viverra placerat non eget nisl. Maecenas sed metus vel ante dignissim varius.
This is a medium H3 Heading
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point. Suspendisse non porttitor urna, et gravida eros. Vivamus sit amet massa egestas, maximus tellus luctus, rhoncus velit. Morbi vehicula sollicitudin leo at ultrices. Etiam imperdiet, dolor eu sodales varius, magna neque faucibus justo, ut congue velit metus quis dolor. Maecenas efficitur id dolor vel laoreet.
These are all items in an un-ordered list.
- This is a list item.
- This is also a list item.
- Here’s one more.
- And just for good measure…
- Here’s one last one.
Font Weights
Weight 100
Weight 300
Weight 400
Weight 500
Weight 700
Weight 900
A normal size h4 Heading
Here’s some teaser text to make you want to click the link below.
A normal size h4 Heading
Here’s some teaser text to make you want to click the link below.
A normal size h4 Heading
Here’s some teaser text to make you want to click the link below.
A Colored Background Section
A Heading with a large topline and highlights
This is some supplemental body lead text to go along with your headers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eu felis pellentesque laoreet magna.
Site Elements
All pages and sections of the site are made up of a collection of elements. Below are some of the most common.
Graphic Icon Block Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point. Suspendisse non porttitor urna, et gravida eros.
Graphic Icon Block Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point. Suspendisse non porttitor urna, et gravida eros.
Graphic Icon Block Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point. Suspendisse non porttitor urna, et gravida eros.
Graphic Icon Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point.
Graphic Icon Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point.
Graphic Icon Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point.
Graphic Icon Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point.
Graphic Icon Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point.
Graphic Icon Title
Here’s some more supplemental body text to help describe your point.
Form Elements
Forms are an important part of your website. They should look nice and fit the theme.
Tables are an important part of your website. They should look nice and fit the theme.
A Table Title
Table Headers | Another Header | One More |
Glenwood Elementary – Streaming Flix |
10/20/2017 – 10/20/2017 | 10:00 AM – 10:30 PM EST | 7:00 AM – 7:30 PM PST |
Hartshorn Elementary – Streaming Flix |
10/20/2017 – 10/20/2017 | 10:00 AM – 10:30 PM EST | 7:00 AM – 7:30 PM PST |
Lura A. White Elementary – Streaming Flix |
10/20/2017 – 10/20/2017 | 10:00 AM – 10:30 PM EST | 7:00 AM – 7:30 PM PST |